As part of the tender for the Medically Supervised Injecting Facility, there will be a number of structures put in place to ensure comprehensive operational, clinical and supervisory governance. An external Monitoring Committee comprising key stakeholders to oversee the MSIF will be established, independent of MQI, and will be chaired by Dr. Eamon Keenan, the National Clinical Lead for Addiction Services in the HSE. A Clinical Governance Committee will also be established to ensure that the pilot MSIF is providing appropriate clinical interventions to clients and that interventions by MQI are in line with international best practices. Merchants Quay Ireland will also establish an Operational Governance Committee to oversee the management of the MSIF from a practical day-to-day point of view. The committee will provide for communication, consultation, and cooperation regarding operational matters.
We will be commencing a recruitment campaign in the coming months. We will update this page, as well as our vacancies page, with more details when we have them.
Three Companies:
Merchants Quay Ireland Clg
CRO Number: 176421
Revenue CHY Number: 10311
Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20026240
St Francis Housing Association Clg
CRO Number:449783
Revenue CHY Number: 18159
RCN: 20026240
Merchants Quay Project CE Scheme Clg
CRO Number:533762
Revenue CHY Number:21187
RCN: 20026240