What we do

Merchants Quay Ireland is a registered charity that supports people affected by homelessness and addiction. We offer food, advice, health care, mental health support and addiction services. Our mission is to offer accessible and effective services in a non-judgemental and compassionate way.

The difference you made last year


Total clients helped


Visits made to our GP


Hot showers in our Riverbank Centre


Hot meals delivered

How can we help you today?

More ways to help

Community fundraising

Community fundraising

You can play a vital role in helping those affected by homelessness and addiction.
Corporate partnerships

Corporate Partnerships

Find out how a partnership with MQI can help Ireland’s hungry and homeless.
Leave a gift in your will

Leave a gift in your will

Find out how a partnership with MQI can help Ireland’s hungry and homeless.
Tax efficient giving

Tax efficient giving

Your gift has the power to do even more without a further cent from you.
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