MQI’s Feedback and Complaints Procedure
Merchants Quay Ireland is committed to ensuring that all our communications and dealings with the general public and our supporters are of the highest possible standard. We listen and respond to the views of the general public and our supporters so that we can continue to improve.
Merchants Quay Ireland welcomes both positive and negative feedback. Therefore we aim to ensure that:
- It is as easy as possible to make a complaint.
- We treat as a complaint any clear expression of dissatisfaction with our operations which calls for a response.
- We treat it seriously whether it is made by telephone, letter, fax, email or in person.
- We deal with it quickly and politely.
- We respond accordingly – for example, with an explanation, or an apology where we have got things wrong, and information on any action taken etc.
- We learn from complaints, use them to improve, and monitor them on our Board.
Step One: If you have feedback or a complaint.
In the first instance, your comment will be dealt with by a Donor Care Representative, who is a member of our Fundraising team. The quickest way to contact us is by telephone on 01 524 0139, Monday – Thursday 9 am – 5 pm and Friday 9 am – 4 pm (excl. public holidays).
If the issue is more complex it may take longer to solve so we will make a record of your complaint and find the most convenient means and time to address your complaint. This may take up to five working days.
You can also fill out a contact form detailing your complaint on our website or post details to us at the address below.
Please give us as much information as possible and let us know how you would like us to respond providing relevant contact details.
Write to:
RE: Complaints
Fundraising Department
Merchants Quay Ireland
PO BOX 11958
Dublin 8
Tel: 01 524 0139
Email: fundraising@mqi.ie
Step Two: If the complaint is not resolved.
If you are not happy with our response from the Donor Care Representative, you may get in touch again and contact our Head of Fundraising and Communications by writing (email or post) to Carol Casey.
Please give us as much information as possible on the issue, including your previous correspondences with Merchants Quay on this issue, in your letter or email.
It would also be most helpful if you could let us know how you would like us to respond and rectify the problem, providing relevant contact details.
Write to:
RE: Complaints
Carol Casey
Head of Fundraising & Communications
Merchants Quay Ireland
PO BOX 11958
Dublin 8
Email: carol.casey@mqi.ie
You will receive confirmation of receipt of your complaint within 10 working days.
If the problem is of a complex nature, it may take longer than 10 days to solve, we will let you know what is being done and approximately how long this will take.
The Head of Fundraising will consider complaints and will respond accordingly.
Step Three: Final recourse
If you feel, following receipt of a response from our Head of Fundraising & Communications, that the issue remains unresolved, please write to our Chief Executive Officer at the address below, and tell us what means you think are necessary to finally resolve the issue.
Our CEO will aim to solve the problem in 10 working days however this may take longer in the case of complex issues. In case resolving the problem will take longer than the time denoted above we will endeavour to keep you abreast of what actions have been taken and the procedures in place.
Write to:
RE: Complaints
Eddie Mullins, CEO
Merchants Quay Ireland
PO BOX 11958
Dublin 8