High Park Residential Rehabilitation Programme
This is a 14-week fully residential programme. The aims and objectives are to offer clients a period of residential rehabilitation treatment in a drug and alcohol-free environment.
The 13-bed High Park residential rehabilitation programme operates on an ethos of being open to all, regardless of circumstance. The emphasis is on assisting service users to gain insight into the issues that underpin their drug use and developing realistic measures to prevent relapse and remain drug-free. The programme offers individual care plans, one-to-one work, group work, psychoeducational groups, fitness-gym activities, outdoor pursuits, and recreational activities. Our High Park facility also offers weekly NA meetings online.
What are the contact details of the High Park Rehabilitation Programme?
For referrals and further information please call 01 837 7883 or email info.highpark@mqi.ie
How do I apply for the High Park Rehab Programme?
You can self-refer by contacting High Park by email or phone. Details above. A referral can also be made through another agency on your behalf. At this stage our staff will ask you to share basic information about yourself and the nature of your addiction. After the initial contact, we will aim to complete a detailed assessment interview within two weeks.
At the assessment interview, our staff will explore your care needs to make sure High Park is the best option for you at this time. The interview is also used to confirm that you meet our admission criteria. At this point we may need to request additional reports to support your application. These reports could be from your doctor, counsellor, key worker or probation officer and we require them to help put the best possible care plan in place for you.
You will be fully informed of the process and your consent required before doing so.
Where will my assessment be done?
Assessments will be conducted over the phone.
Can I access High Park from prison?
Attendance is subject to additional criteria such as being granted permission to attend by the courts/prison service but MQI welcomes referrals from people in prison who feel they would like to address their substance misuse. The first step is linking in with the prison counsellors, who will fill in the appropriate forms, including doing the assessment.
How long will I be waiting for a bed?
Once we’ve reviewed the reports and if you meet the admission criteria and agree to maintain weekly contact with the staff at High Park, you will be moved to our ‘ready for admission’ waiting list. The time you spend on this waiting list depends on bed availability and the amount of people on the waiting list ahead of you when you apply. Some people will access the service within a matter of weeks while others could have to wait several months. We would keep you informed of progress and the expected time frame on a weekly basis.
Is there any support while I am waiting for a place?
High Park runs a weekly pre-entry group for clients who qualify. We encourage anyone on our waiting list to connect with other services as needed. For eligibility details, please ask a staff member during check-in or assessment.
What are the Admission Criteria?
- Clients must be 18 years of age or over.
- Clients must be give clear urine to verify they are drug free. The service advises clients who use cannabis to reduce their cannabis consumption in the weeks preceding admission. Exact goals will be set around this at assessment. However, given the length of time that it takes cannabis to leave the system, a positive urine result will not prevent a client from being admitted to the unit.
- The client’s GP and/or psychiatrist may need to provide up-to-date reports for clients presenting with complex mental health / medical conditions, including histories of self-harm and suicidal ideation/attempts.
Do I have to pay for the High Park Residential Programme?
All clients are asked to contribute a maximum of €110 weekly to the cost of rehabilitation. If you are unable to pay this will not prohibit you from attending the programme.
Will I have my own room?
Yes, each client will be given their own room. Bed linen and towels are provided but if you prefer you can bring your own.
Can I phone friends and family while I’m on the programme?
We facilitate two 15-minute calls weekly starting from the week of admission. Please note that clients do not receive personal calls and do not have access to mobile phones. However, there is no limit on the number of letters clients can write or receive while participating in the program.
Can I use my laptop or game systems?
No, these are not allowed in High Park.
Can I listen to music?
Yes, residents can bring in iPod/mp3 players and listen to music in their room in the evenings. However, out of respect for one another, you are asked to bring headphones and only use them with headphones.
Can people visit me during the programme?
Clients do not have in-person visits during their program. Instead, they have a 30-minute video call once a week, starting after they have completed 4 weeks in the program. However, if a client has children under 18, video calls will begin in their first week.
Do I have to stop smoking?
No, that is not part of the criteria to enter this programme.
Can I leave High Park unaccompanied at any stage during the programme?
If you need to leave High Park for any reason, a member of staff will accompany you.
Do I have to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
Vaccination for Covid-19 is no longer a requirement for admission to St. Francis Farm Detox, however we do encourage clients to get vaccinated prior to entering a residential treatment programme.