Rose finds a new start in Jane’s Place
“When I ran from home… It was like a grenade in my life. I just felt I lost faith in my judgement and faith in myself.”
Meeting Rose, you could never imagine the hard times she has survived. She’s vibrant: inside and out. When we meet she’s wearing a bright pink jacket, her nails painted a radiant red. She will later tell us about her love for art, for colour, for painting… She speaks with confidence and clarity, and she loves a good laugh.
But her words falter as she remembers her trauma: the violence she suffered at the hands of her husband and the heartache of having to leave her family home.
“When I left, it was quite traumatic for everyone, including my two children. I would wake up in the morning in the refuge and just think ‘Oh gosh’. I was so worried… worried for my future.”

A safe place for women in crisis
A mother of two, Rose has a lifelong passion for helping others, and worked as a nurse all her life. After experiencing domestic violence, she found herself in Dublin city centre with a small bag over her shoulder and no idea who to turn to. With support from a domestic violence refuge and the kindness of donors who make Jane’s Place possible, Rose is now beginning to rebuild her life again.
Rose is one of the first women who set foot inside Jane’s Place when the pilot project for women opened two years ago. Jane’s Place is a drop-in centre located in the heart of Dublin for women experiencing homelessness or addiction. The idea was born from research conducted into the lives and needs of vulnerable women – and the service now exists because of the kindness and compassion of MQI donors. The first of its kind for MQI, it is funded entirely by supporters.
And for Rose, this kindness is just what she needed in her life.
Emotional support, healthcare and compassion
“It is those little things, like a safe place to chat,” Rose tells us. “The Support Worker I have is amazing. When I first came here,
she just used to let me cry or let me talk, or not talk, or just be silent. She really helped me with not getting down on myself again.”
Jane’s Place offers a range of supports for women – from healthcare to holistic wellbeing. A woman like Rose can meet with a support worker or dedicated Mental Health nurse, and make an appointment with a GP or nurse specialising in women’s health. She can take part in life-skills workshops, or get support with finding accommodation. She can take a warm shower, get fresh socks and underwear, or have her hair and nails done in the salon.
“Because I have experienced trauma, a lot of what I’m working on at the moment is being kind to myself again. So visiting the hairdresser, and getting my nails done… it’s opened up an area in me where I can show compassion towards myself. I’ve always been able to show it towards others, but I can be quite hard on myself.”
Female-focused support
For Rose, having a community of women around her is an important part of her healing process.
“It can be quite isolating if you feel you’re the only one with this set of problems but then you realise there are other women are going through this. When you know that, you begin to feel like we can all get through this together. Just to know that it’s a safe space, there’s a lot of psychological safety. It’s run by women for women.”
A new building – and an investment in women
The new building, opened in Spring 2024, is purpose-built for women with various needs. Completely wheelchair accessible, it has a kitchen for preparing home-cooked meals, a counselling room, a hair salon and rooms for yoga, meditation and other activities. Now Rose is really feeling the sense of home she was missing.
“When I saw the new building, Jane’s Place, I just felt a sense of calm. I like the colour scheme, but what I mostly like is the freedom. It’s not just a building, it feels like home. Jane’s Place will give you somewhere where you can come during the day, take a minute to relax, and have a cup of tea. It just gives you a sense of security. It’s really strengthening and empowering for me.”
Having had the support of Jane’s Place herself, Rose is truly excited about how the service will continue to help women like her.
“It’s an investment in women. People will come to know it as a safe haven, a sanctuary. A place where women like me can learn to grow again.”
And for Rose, there’s no stopping her now.
“I’ve actually an interview next week, to do a refresher course in nursing. I’m finally at the point now where I feel healed enough to begin healing others again.”
A life-changing service for women
Rose never loses sight of her gratitude for Jane’s Place and the donors who make it possible.
“This might sound crazy, but I asked myself, if I ever won the lotto, ‘What would I do? Who would I share it with?’ and actually, it’s Jane’s Place…
“Because the donors who give…. I admire them. To help people anonymously is a unique quality. There’s something humble about it. Just for them to know that they have changed lives. They’re doing it to make us stronger for the next generation, and hopefully not to pass on transgenerational trauma. Their generosity is doing a lot more than they could ever imagine.
“For me, it’s been life-changing.”
Jane’s Place would not be possible without the kindness of MQI supporters. If you would like to help support men and women experiencing homelessness and addiction, donate today.
Jane’s Place is named after Jane, an exceptional woman who made supporting vulnerable women her lasting legacy. If you would like to talk about leaving a gift in your Will to MQI, please contact Emma Murphy on 01 524 0139.