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To make a secure donation over the phone, you can reach us during our office hours from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, at +353 1 524 0160. One of our dedicated fundraising team members will be happy to assist you and securely process your donation.
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You can post a cheque, bank draft or postal order made payable to: Merchants Quay Ireland.
24 Merchants Quay, Dublin 8
Ireland, D08X7YK
Donate Today

Will you help our homeless this winter?
Ireland’s harsh weather is here for the winter. Freezing temperatures, rough winds and heavy rain… and the worst of it will be felt by people with nowhere to go.
The men and women who sleep on cold pavements, who walk the streets all day in wet clothes, the pain of loneliness deep in their bones.
This is why Ireland’s homeless desperately need your help to survive this Winter.
Your kindness today will provide hot showers, nourishing food and dry clothes. It will be the warmest of welcomes, a safe haven and a chat with someone who cares.
Your donation will bring comfort, dignity and the strength to survive.
Please, give what you can today.