New Quay Times: Winter Edition 2025
Thank you for helping men and women like Brendan, reclaim their lives.
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To make a secure donation over the phone, you can reach us during our office hours from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, at +353 1 524 0160. One of our dedicated fundraising team members will be happy to assist you and securely process your donation.
Donations hotline:
Donate by post
You can post a cheque, bank draft or postal order made payable to: Merchants Quay Ireland.
24 Merchants Quay, Dublin 8
Ireland, D08X7YK
"On the pitch, I wasnt homeless. I was part of a team" – Brendan, MQI Client
At Merchant’s Quay Ireland, we see the impact of your generosity every single day. It’s in the warm meals you provide, the safe shelter you make possible, and the second chances you believe in.
In this edition of our Winter Quay Times, you’ll read about Brendan, who went from sleeping in a tent to representing Ireland in the Homeless World Cup. His story is one of resilience, but it’s also a story of your kindness in action.
You gave me the chance to stand tall again, find my confidence, and take steps toward a brighter future – Brendan, MQI Client
Because of you, men and women seeking safety and healing are reminded that they are not alone.
Inside this issue:
💛 Brendan’s journey—proof that second chances change lives
🗣️ Catch up with our CEO Eddie—his reflections on the 2024 and what’s ahead
📊 The impact you made in 2024—meals served, lives saved, hope restored
By donating today, you are directly supporting life-changing services that offer a second chance to those who need it most.
Thank you for believing in brighter futures.